mardi 31 juillet 2012

Let's talk seriously pt.1 : online communities

Hello, the let's talk seriously posts are mostly rants about pet peeves I have, nothing serious, really. If you cannot live with people having different opinions, I suggest you don't read. I would love to hear your opinion on the matter though.

Here we go...

Online communities, right now just hearing those words make me nervous. Let me explain. I've participated in some betas and even an alpha where the people were awesome. Well, some weren't but it's okay there's always some people you won't like after all, right?.... and then comes the open beta. Oh, a lot of new players come in. Some of them are cool, some aren't but I can live with it and so- Wait, is that....? CLOSE THE DOORS, Trolls, douches, griefers are coming this way. Oh, they don't care about the game itself, they just want to see the world burn! Okay, okay, I may be exaggerating a bit but you know where I'm coming from, right?

In some MMOs or games, they don't affect you directly. Just put them on your ignore list and voila! The thing is, I've played quite a lot of games and in some, they make it a horrible experience. I may sound very negative but I know there's a good side to online communities, however this is a rant and I will only talk about the bad things. Just hear me out a second, or 300.

I am a huuuuuge fan of assassin's creed and the multiplayer in that game is so innovative and fun, I kept playing and playing Heck, I even made XBL friends on there and I still play with them! Since the next AC is taking forever to come out (not much of a patient person, am I?) I decided to give revelations another go quite recently. I played, like, 2 matches I think and got the F out of there. Let me describe my wonderful experience with you and you will understand.

The first match was a manhunt, oh that looks fun, right? WRONG, DEAD WRONG! It's a friggin' TEAM game mode, riiiight? Not anymore I tell you. Oh, except for the side that is hunted, they jump at your throat like a pack of wild dogs humiliating you like 5 times before they all get killed. What about the hunters you will ask. Well, let's say it's more of a competition than a cooperation. I'll just give you an example, shall I? One of the targets is climbing on a wall and my team mate's trying to get him. As a good team mate I throw a throwing knife to the gal (yeah everyone plays as girl online but that'll be another day's rant) that fall right at his feet, he waits to be concentrated on the target and then proceed to poison it. Awesome, a shitload of points is coming our way... Not. Another guy preeeeeetty far from the target starts running towards it and kills it for a whooping 100 points, Good work champ, want a goddamn medal? Also, the guy that poisoned the target was hidden so a +200  points was supposed to be added to the score. Heh! Not convinced? Now for the solo game mode since I was pretty disgruntled by my experience with a team mode that day I decided to go with the classic mode where you have a target and pursuers, a radar and maps that are quite big. I can,t remember which map it was but yeah, I'll just describe you this match with a few words: Everyone running, everybody on rooftops.... What the F is wrong with you people, really! Oh and also, hidden guns, hidden guns everywhere!

That's just for assassin's creed revelations though. Oh you thought I was wrong? I told you it was going to be a long ride, didn't I? I didn't? Well, shit.

I like to play some LOL (league of legends for the people who don't know).

I'll just say it like that, I play for fun, Winning is fun, sure, but it's not the only thing so to all those elitist jerks telling what items to take or what lane to go in: FUCK YOU. Damn, that came out louder than I thought... Aaaaaanyway, Yeah, I screw up sometimes, I'm human after all. SAY WHAAAAAAT? League of legends: serious F'in business. I play seriously though. I really try to do my best but every time I screw up I know one thing, do not read the chat do not read the cha... WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY MOM?!

Yeah, pretty much.

Also, I played a bit of runes of magic on a PVP server (my friends didn't want to play on a "care bear" server) *nervous laugh* I won't say his name or it'll make him soooo happy, but there was a player killer really enjoying killing everyone, heck, he found a way to bypass the city guards (which are supposed to be OP to protect low level player) in one of the first cities where everyone is low level (he was level max) to kill everyone. He even made some cute video montages he'd put up on Youtube where he'd show all the rage he generated. I'm pretty sure he never slept and took a liking to me for my perseverance.... I always came back to continue my quests. At some point he made the game unplayable for so many people that I just stopped playing that game (which is not very good anyway).

Almost done, I promise.

Hackers, some of them are kind of harmless or peaceful but I got emptied of all my virtual belongings and currency on Vindictus and it sucked. So much that I gave up on my Lann.

All those people and even more make people's game time very hard to enjoy, WHY DO THEY EXIST?!

So, what do you think about online communities, did some 14 years old (stereotyyyyype) tell you to suck your dad's d*ck? Please tell me.


3 commentaires:

  1. I guess it's a representation of what the society became today. Too much angry kids raised as kings who never receive a negative answer by their parents play online together so they enjoy trolling each other and they don't understand the purpose of sharing an experience with other humans beings.

    1. Wow, you actually put in fewer words (and clearer words) what I actually think for one part. The otehr one is that some people really just want to see the world burn ahahah. By the way, thnaks for stopping by!

  2. It's soooooo right... no really the cummunities in gaming are rotten to the core because of those people... I dont know if you tried ACII BH but when I played recently I raged quit... and I almost throw my controler in the TV.

    Just wanted to say that I like your Blog and I wish you continu for a long time ^^
